If you are considering or currently going through the divorce process, or have recently finalized your divorce, there are important measures you should take to separate and protect your personal information from your ex. Here are the steps you can take to protect yourself, your family, and your information before, during, and after the divorce proceedings for extra peace of mind.
Protect Your Digital Identity
First and foremost, change the passwords on your digital accounts and consider using two-step verification codes to further improve the security of your accounts. Password updates are also important security measures against hackers and all-too-common data breaches in this digital age.
Remember, your passwords may be saved on devices that were once shared with your ex. Even if you did not share any device with your ex, you may have used their device to log in to your account at one point. You also may be connected to your child’s account; that device, going back and forth between homes, could lead to access on your personal accounts. Even the passcode to your personal phone should be changed. You may also want to consider shutting down (but not deleting) your social media accounts as well.
When choosing new passwords, make sure to use new, random passwords that are not easy to guess.
Be Knowledgeable of Your Finances
Shared financial accounts can be complicated to untangle following a divorce, even when it is amicable.
It is important to keep records of your financial assets and liabilities including pay stubs, account statements, and tax forms, as they may prove useful in potential litigation. For added security, make copies of family birth certificates, passports, diplomas, and other personally identifiable documents. It may be helpful to also keep a document containing your monthly expenses as you will be asked for that information at some point during your divorce.
If you do not know where to find any financial information, keep an eye out for mail being received at your home or pull a free credit report from a reporting service like Equifax, TransUnion, or Experion. You can also order tax transcripts from the IRS website.
Gather Your “Team” of Resources
A divorce requires that you have a team in place to assist you throughout the process. The team can include your trusted family and friends and your family law attorney. Other people you may want to include on your “team,” as circumstances require, are a good therapist, someone to assist you with childcare and transportation of the children, a job coach, a meal delivery service, a cleaning service, etc. Anyone who can help you during a difficult time by making something easier for you is a resource you may want to consider.